The process of toggling a div to slide up and down explained

I'm attempting to create a slide toggle effect on a hidden DIV when a user hovers over specific link buttons.


$(function () { // DOM ready shorthand

            var $content = $(".sliderText");
            var $contentdiv = $(".sliderContent");

            var $homeToggle = $("#home");
            var $listToggle = $("#list");


            $homeToggle.hover(function () {
                $content.Text("Navigate to Home");
            $listToggle.hover(function () {


    .sliderContent {
        margin: 0 auto;
        text-align: center;
        border: 2px dotted #00039a;
        padding: 5px;


                <div class="container" id="homeDIV" runat="server" clientidmode="Static">
                    <a id="home" title="Navigate to home page" href="Default.aspx">Home</a>
                <div class="container" id="listDIV" runat="server" clientidmode="Static">
                    <a id="list" title="Shows all the fields and their indexes per PDF form in the folder" href="ListFormFields.aspx">List PDF Form Fields</a>

The goal is for the showText div to expand by sliding down and displaying its contents whenever a user hovers over any of the <a> elements.

Currently, nothing happens when hovering over the links.

How can I make it work?


Issue recorded here:

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