Dealing with a jQuery/JavaScript issue involving thumbnail images

I am facing an issue with smooth transitions between thumbnail images in HTML list tags. I have Jquery listeners set up for mouseenter and mouseleave events that update a parent image when a thumbnail is hovered over.

The problem arises when scrolling from one thumbnail to another - there is a noticeable jump in the parent image when the cursor is in the 5 pixel spacing. It quickly reverts to its default value before displaying the next thumbnail upon hover.

Is there a way to achieve a smoother transition between images without reverting back to the default parent image?

I attempted to use padding instead of spacing, but this affected the design due to borders around the images.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: Can anyone provide assistance with the code used for this functionality?

$image_changer = $('.imageChanger');
    $backup_old_image = $('.product-img-box .product-image img').attr('src');
    $('.product-img-box .product-image img').attr('src', $(this).attr('src'));
    $('.product-img-box .product-image img').attr('src', $backup_old_image);

You can view an example on the product page at:

Answer №1

It is recommended to use a wrapper for the padding and mouseover event triggers instead of placing them directly on the li element.

<li style="padding:5px">
   <img href="content.png" alt="content">



Upon reviewing the site:


#main-content .more-views ul li {
  float: left;


#main-content .more-views ul li {
  padding-right: 5px;
  float: left;

and eliminate the margin-right on the images.

Then update the jQuery code to

$image_changer = jQuery('.more-views li');
    $backup_old_image = jQuery('.product-img-box .product-image img').attr('src');
    jQuery('.product-img-box .product-image img').attr('src', jQuery(this).find("img").attr('src'));
    jQuery('.product-img-box .product-image img').attr('src', $backup_old_image);

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