Styling a Razor view using inline CSS and responsive media queries

I need to add some simple inline styling for print purposes to an .cshtml page I'm working on. I initially tried using the @media print media query, but it is causing issues with my cshtml page. Is there a workaround for this problem?

The culprit seems to be the @ symbol in @media print.

Answer №1

If you wish to display the symbol @ as it is in the printed output, simply use two @ symbols together.

    @@media print {

Answer №2

I completely agree with p.s.w.g's insight. It's important to delve into the reasons why the @ symbol is causing trouble in your .cshtml document. I recommend exploring the Razor View Engine, which triggers when you input the @ symbol in your .cshtml page. Essentially, it serves as an HTML generation tool that simplifies the process of displaying model data on your webpage.

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