The problem of border-radius bleeding in Webkit when applying -webkit-transform

After creating a basic jQuery script to slowly rotate an image, I encountered an issue where the rotated image would bleed over the border-radius in Chrome. The rotation works smoothly in Firefox 4.0.1 but not in Chrome. To see the example and code, check out this link.

     deg = 0;
     derp = false;
     function callRotate(){
        setInterval(rotate, 50);
    function rotate(){
      $("#rotate_me > img").css({"-webkit-transform":"rotate("+ deg +"deg)", "-moz-transform":"rotate("+ deg +"deg)"});

To make the image look like a circle, I added a border-radius to the div equal to half of its height. If anyone knows how to prevent the image from bleeding over the border-radius during rotation, please share your solution!

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, use CSS to set the image as the background of the div and then apply a rotation to the div element.

Answer №2

Applying the border-radius property to img may not be effective in certain browsers like Opera (and possibly other non-compatible ones).

Answer №3

experiment with transform-style:preserve-3d

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