The presence of CSS rollovers on a scrollable div is causing overflow problems

Currently, I am developing an interface that involves a list of items inside a scrollable div. Some of these items have rollover menus that extend beyond the boundaries of the div when hovered over. It is crucial for the website to be compatible with disabled scripting, so I am exploring the possibility of implementing the interface using just CSS before considering other alternatives.

I have included some examples below. The specific menu in question is situated on the right side under the heading 'select projects'. The third item from the top on each page contains a rollover menu.

To ensure that the rollovers remain positioned correctly relative to their parent even when the scroll position changes, I have set the parent list items as relative and the child unordered lists as absolute.
Example 1

However, when overflow:auto is activated and scrolling occurs, the rollovers get truncated and do not display properly. Example 2

I attempted removing the relative positioning of the parent list items while maintaining the absolute positioning of the rollovers to enable them to extend outside the div, but then they fail to adjust their positioning correctly when the scroll position changes. I can only provide two links, but if you would like a visual demonstration, it can be found here:

Aside from altering the user interface, are there any combinations of CSS properties that could solve this issue? One possible solution could involve positioning the entire div as absolute and adding significant left padding for the rollovers to occupy, but this approach does not seem very elegant.

Thank you all for your help!

Answer №1

When using only CSS, you may find yourself limited to either overflow: auto or dealing with overflow in hover menus. Unfortunately, trying to use separate visible and auto properties for both overflow-x and

overflow-y</code does not yield the desired result. In this case, opting for a padding solution might be your best option.</p>

<p>By strategically utilizing absolute positioning and paying attention to the <code>z-index
values (especially if you're worried about padded menu containers obstructing elements beneath them), it is achievable without disrupting the overall layout. It's important to ensure that all child elements within the scrollable container are sized appropriately so they do not extend beyond the width of their parent with padding.

It appears that implementing these prescribed changes - without any additional alterations - works seamlessly on your website. Hence, you might want to give these adjustments a try:

#project_menu {
  padding-left: 300px;
  margin-left: -300px;

.center {
  position: relative;
  z-index; 10;

Answer №2

To resolve the issue, adjust the height to 293px in either your class nav or project_menu ID. The current height of the project_menu ID is 218px while your UL is set at 293px.

Changing one of these values should fix the problem, but consider how it may affect other elements on the page.

Using the project_menu ID should solve the issue without complications.

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