The Precision of Nesting CSS Selectors

I'm really puzzled about why "Item One" is not displaying as orange below. By specificity rules, the selector .one.two should have a score of 20 (two classes), while .one li should have 11 (one class, one element). So logically, it seems like it should be orange, not blue.

Any thoughts on why it's showing up as blue?

On another note, why am I unable to put a space between .one and .two in the .one.two selector? That works in Chrome but not here.

Here's a link with more information on specificity calculations.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    .one {
      color: red;
    .two {
      color: green;
    .one li {
      color: blue;
    .one.two {
      color: orange;

    <ul class="one two">
      <li>Item One</li>


Answer №1

It seems like the color should be orange, not blue.

Do you know why it's showing up as blue instead?

The ul element is styled in orange. However, the li element has a blue color style applied to it independently of its parent. This happens when you specifically target and assign a color to the li, overriding the default color: inherit behavior.

Why am I unable to add space between .one and .two in the .one.two selector?

This is because with the space, the selector becomes different. The selector .one .two matches a .two element within a .one element. On the other hand, .one.two (without a space) targets an element that has both classes - .one and .two.

<div class="one">
  <div class="two"></div> /* selected by .one .two */

<div class="one two"></div> /* selected by .one.two */

Answer №2

Although your css is functioning properly, there is an additional css code snippet to be aware of:

.one li {
  color: blue;

As a result, while your css is applying the orange color to .one.two, the .one li css is overlapping and displaying the blue color.

If you wish to have the li elements under .one.two appear in orange, you can include the following css:

.one.two li {
  color: orange;

Answer №3

Simply include li in the selector following .one.two

<!DOCTYPE html>

    .one {
      color: red;
    .two {
      color: green;
    .one li {
      color: blue;
    .one.two li {
      color: orange;

    <ul class="one two">
      <li>Item One</li>


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