The many potentials of looping through Sass maps

My sass map contains a variety of color shades, and the full code can be found on Codepen:

$pbcolors: (

pbcyan : (
50:  #E5F5FC,
100: #CCEBF9,
200: #99D7F2,
300: #66C3EC,
400: #33AFE5,
500: #009DBF,
600: #008CAB,
700: #007C98,
800: #006D85,
900: #005D72
pbmediumblue: (
50:  #E5F1F8,
100: #CCE3F1,
200: #99C7E3,
300: #66AAD4,
400: #338EC6,
500: #0072B8,
600: #0065A5,
700: #005A93,
800: #004F80,
900: #00436E
pbpurple: (
50:  #F5ECF5,
100: #ECD9EB,
200: #D9B2D7,
300: #C68CC3,
400: #B365AF,
500: #A03F9B,
600: #90388B,
700: #80327C,
800: #702C6C,
900: #60255D

I'm attempting to generate classes using a loop that combines the color and shade as part of the class name with the corresponding hex value as the background color. An example class would look like this:

.bg-pbmediumblue-100 { background: #CCE3F1; }

However, my current loop syntax seems to be incorrect as I am not progressing to the second level of the map:

@each $item, $color in $pbcolors {
  @each $shade, $value in $item {
    .bg-#{$shade}-#{$shade} {
      background-color: map-get(map-get($pbcolors, $item), 50);

As a result, I'm only retrieving the 50 value of each color and the class names are incorrect:

.bg-pbcyan-pbcyan {
   background-color: #E5F5FC;

.bg-pbmediumblue-pbmediumblue {
   background-color: #E5F1F8;

Where did I make a mistake?

Answer №1

It seems like you may be mistakenly referencing the incorrect variable in your code snippet. The $item variable, which comes first, is actually used to refer to the mapping key name, not the value itself (which comes second). To properly iterate over the values, you should adjust your inner loop accordingly.

@each $item, $color in $pbcolors {
  @each $shade, $value in $color {
    .bg-#{$item}-#{$shade} {
      background-color: $value;

Answer №2

Instead of using a loop to generate tints, I opted for a function that allows us to call the tints only when needed. This way, we avoid unnecessary printing of all tints.

@function getColor($colorName, $shade: 500) {
   @return map-get(map-get($colors, $colorName), $shade);

With this approach, getting the color on demand is quite straightforward:

.example {
  background-color: getColor(blue, 500);

We can also use the function without specifying the shade to get the default shade of 500:

.example {
  background-color: getColor(blue);

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