The JavaScript game's set interval function is failing to execute at consistent 10-second intervals

Trying to incorporate gravity into a circular object in an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript game. Here is the relevant JavaScript code section:

Check out the code on

The specific part of interest in this tutorial is at the 06.44-minute mark:

Reference video tutorial at:


var block = document.getElementById("block");
var hole = document.getElementById("hole");
//add this for the setInterval function
var character=document.getElementById("character");

hole.addEventListener('animationiteration',() => {
  var random = Math.random()*3;
  var top = (random*100)+150; + "px";

//interval function runs every 10 milliseconds

  var characterTop = 
  //this is the gravity function

It seems like the issue might be related to this last segment:


Since the code doesn't show any syntax or other errors, it's challenging to troubleshoot further. I've also experimented with the CSS but couldn't pinpoint the root cause of the problem.

As per the tutorial, the "10" was suggested to be the refresh rate, but it doesn't seem to be the case. That number somehow affects the speed of the ball's downward movement. My goal is to have the entire animation (ball moving down) refresh every 10 seconds.

In summary, I want the pink ball (character element) to continuously descend every 10 seconds. Currently, it drops once and then falls off the screen. It only drops again when the "RUN" button is pressed.

The HTML code for this project:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
    <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    <div class="sky">
    <div class="ground">

    <div id="game">
      <div id="block"></div>
      <div id="hole"></div>
      <div id="character">
    <script src="script.js"></script>

And the CSS styles:


  border: 1px solid greenyellow;

background-color:rgb(255, 0, 149);
position: absolute;


  position: relative;
  animation:block 2s infinite linear;

@keyframes block{

  position: relative;
  animation:block 2s infinite linear;



  position: relative;

  position: relative;

Answer №1

Thank you for providing additional details about your question. I believe I now have a better understanding and can give you a proper answer. Your patience is appreciated.

It seems that you are referring to a specific aspect in the video where a GIF appears in the upper right corner. The GIF shows a ball moving downward and then snapping back to its original position, repeating the fall. If you are looking to replicate this effect, my answer should be helpful.

Your code is correct as it is. The demo shown in the tutorial is essentially your code in action. The perceived "refresh" of the ball in the video is due to editing, where the video looped back to the beginning after playing through. This created the impression of a reset, though it was just the video repeating. (You can notice changes in the browser window appearance and the cursor movement indicating editing.)

I hope this explanation clarifies things for you...

Below is my initial response before you provided further details on your question. (There was some confusion on both our parts.)

Here are a couple of points I'd like to address:

  1. The setInterval() function requires a function and an interval timer in milliseconds. The function provided will run at the specified interval. For example:
setInterval(() => {console.log("something")},15);

"something" will be logged every 15 milliseconds.

In one of your comments, you mentioned confusion about the "10" as the refresh rate. This number does control the speed of the downward motion of the ball. A smaller value for the interval results in a quicker downward movement as the function is executed more frequently.

Additionally, why choose to build a game using CSS-manipulated HTML elements instead of using the <canvas> element? Manipulating CSS for game development can be unreliable, slower, and more complex. Using <canvas> or a library like p5.js is generally more efficient and straightforward. Is there a specific reason for your current approach?

Answer №2

It seems like there's a problem with Repl.

  const previewTop = window.getComputedStyle(character).getPropertyValue("top");
  const oldTop = parseInt(previewTop);

  console.log({ previewTop, oldTop }) = `${previewTop + 3}px`;  

Could you please try logging this to see the result?

Answer №3

Alright, I believe I understand your question.


Initially, the setInterval(function, time) function is utilized to update the position of the ball every 10ms, causing it to move 3 points downwards. While it may appear to impact the speed, it actually accelerates the rendering speed.


One possible solution is to monitor the intervals of rendering, so when the ball goes off-screen, you can reset its position using = '250px' to return it to its original starting point.


  var characterTop = 
  if(character.offsetTop > game.offsetHeight){
    // Game over
    setTimeout(() => {
      // Reset the ball after 1s "250px";

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