Change the JavaFX ToggleButton's color and revert back to its original color

Can you tell me what the default background and border color is for a toggle button? Here’s an example of code that changes the background color of a toggle button:

        else {

After this action, I would like to reset the other toggles to their original colors (the same as when they were first created).

Answer №1

Discovering how to modify styles

If you're looking to change the appearance of your ToggleButtons using CSS style classes, a simple method is to add the desired styles and then remove them when they are no longer needed. This way, the button will retain its original formatting.

For Instance

Code for adding styles


Subsequently, code for removing styles

i.toggle11.getStyleClass().removeAll("red-button", "white-button");

The CSS Styles

.red-button {
    -fx-background-color: red;

.white-button {
    -fx-background-color: white;

Be sure to include the stylesheet with your desired CSS styles like:



If your goal is simply to change the color of selected ToggleButtons, you can override .toggle-button:selected in your stylesheet without adding extra styling:

.toggle-button:selected {
    -fx-background-color: red;

Overwriting existing CSS classes and pseudoclasses is usually the most straightforward approach. For more guidance on styling and customizing JavaFX components like ToggleButtons, refer to resources such as Using JavaFX UI Controls.

To explore available style classes for .toggle-button, check out this resource. Additionally, refer to the CSS reference guide for more information.

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