The iPhone 6 Plus's Safari browser, when in landscape mode, displays multiple tabs open at once. Additionally, when a Bootstrap modal

Encountering an issue with the bootstrap modal on iPhone Safari 6+ in landscape mode. This glitch only happens when using multiple tabs on the browser.

Follow these steps to replicate the problem:
1) Visit on your iPhone 6+ in landscape mode - make sure to have multiple tabs open
2) Scroll down and click on the "Small Modal" button in the Optional size section.
3) The modal will briefly appear and disappear, leaving a grey background. No further interactions are possible.
4) Attempt to hide the navigation and tab bars by scrolling up, which should reveal the bootstrap modal. However, this workaround doesn't function when multiple tabs are open.

Initial investigation suggests the issue may lie within the .modal-open CSS styling:

.modal-open {
    overflow: hidden;
    position: fixed;
    width: 100%;

A solution is needed for this problem. Any suggestions or ideas?

Answer №1

Unfortunately, I missed the opportunity to provide an answer initially. However, for those encountering a similar issue to what I faced, I have devised a workaround.

The root of the problem lies in a bug within Bootstrap, specifically pertaining to the multi-tab functionality on iPhone 6+ devices.

You can find more details about this bug by following this reference link:

In my case, I was determined to find a solution. Therefore, I decided to make some adjustments to my style sheet, and fortunately, this approach proved effective for resolving the issue. Hopefully, others experiencing the same challenge will benefit from my experience.

 /* Fix for iPhone 6+ multitab issue */
    .modal {
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;

By making these simple changes to my style sheet, I was able to overcome the problem – despite not being an expert in CSS or style sheets. Sometimes, all it takes is a small tweak to achieve success.

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