The $ionicPopup is not displaying at the bottom of the screen as expected

I'm a beginner in Ionic framework and AngularJS. I'm currently using the Confirm style Ionic popup, but for some reason the buttons aren't appearing at the bottom of the popup.

Check out my updated codepen here:


I've been struggling with this issue for quite some time now, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

I have made some improvements to the code pen, everything seems fine but there are occasional instances where the popup behaves unexpectedly. To resolve this issue, simply adjust the following CSS:

.popup-body {
    padding: 10px;
    overflow: auto;

UPDATE: The desired functionality should ideally be implemented using "$ionicModal", however, if you prefer to use "$ionicPopup", please note that ion-content should not be used within a pop-up. Just a heads up!

You can view the updated Code-Pen here:

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