The image tag disrupting the spacing between lines

Here's a snippet of the css and html code:


div {


<div><img src="image.png"/>Text</div>

According to the code, a div should be 24 pixels high with text vertically centered after the image. The image is 24x24px. However, there seems to be an issue where the line-height is 12px too much, even when reduced to 12px. Interestingly, changing the image to 12x12px resolves the issue and aligns the text correctly. Removing the image entirely also places the text correctly. The question then arises as to why this is happening and whether there is a way to fix it.

Thank you, sharf.

Answer №1

To center the image vertically, add the CSS rule vertical-align: middle to the img tag enclosed in a div.

div > img
    vertical-align: middle;

View the demo on JSFiddle

Answer №2

Experiment with adding vertical-align to the image to achieve the desired look.

Answer №3

The most straightforward (though not always optimal) fix is

img { vertical-align: bottom; }

Instead of disrupting line height, the image enlarges the box height, exceeding the specified line-height. This happens because an image is treated as a character, set at the font's baseline with dimensions included. Thus, the image's required height is its own height plus the distance from the text baseline to the font's bottom.

In CSS, the default vertical-align: baseline setting results in the image resting on the text's baseline. This can be adjusted in various ways with different effects on vertical alignment. However, keep in mind that there are many browser bugs related to vertical-align, and using bottom is generally a safe bet.

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