The image appears smaller than its actual size

I'm having an issue with an image control that is supposed to display a logo on my webpage. The image itself is 500 x 500 pixels, however, when it appears on the screen, the control automatically shrinks it down to 19x20. I've been struggling to figure out how to override the CSS settings that are causing this resizing and make the image appear at its original size. Even when using Google Chrome's Inspect tool to edit the attributes, I can't seem to get it to display properly.

Below are some relevant code snippets from my site:


<asp:Image ID="imgLogo" runat="server" Height="500" Width="500" CssClass="logoImage" ImageAlign="Middle" />  <p></p>

The CSS I have applied is:

.logoImage {
   width: 500px;
   height: 500px;

The generated markup looks like this:

<img id="mainContentPlaceHolder_imgLogo" class="logoImage" skindid="btnCSV" src="../App_Themes/Main/images/logo.gif" align="middle" style="height:19px;width:20px;">

The image URL is set in the code behind.

Answer №1

The dot is missing in your class definition. To fix this, you can also consider adding the !important attribute:

.logoImage {
   width: 500px !important;
   height: 500px !important;

You should investigate where the height:19px; width:20px values are coming from. It could be related to the size of mainContentPlaceHolder or an assignment within the code itself.

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