The horizontal scrollbar in PrimeNG's p-tree is cleverly concealed until I reach the bottom of the div and start scrolling

I'm facing an issue where the horizontal scrollbar in my p-tree component is hidden until I scroll all the way down. I've tried various CSS modifications, but nothing seems to work. It's surprising that I couldn't find anyone else with this problem after searching extensively on different forums.

One solution mentioned was to use [scrollable] properties for PrimeNG DataTable, but unfortunately, it doesn't apply to p-tree. Changing overflow values didn't yield the desired results either—either eliminating the vertical scrollbar completely or displaying an empty horizontal bar.

The UI-tree CSS I'm using includes styling for border, background, color, padding, width, and overflow settings. However, the issue persists regardless of these configurations.

If no one has a solution, I can create a demo on fiddle/stackblitz/plunkr, but it will take some time due to propriety issues preventing me from sharing code directly here.

A visual representation of the problem can be seen here. Essentially, I need the horizontal scrollbar to be visible and functional at all times, irrespective of the vertical scrollbar position.

Any assistance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

Answer â„–1

Resolved my own problem, although the solution may seem a bit messy and unrefined. I am sharing this here in case someone else faces the same issue or knows of a more graceful way to resolve it without relying heavily on :host and ::ng-deep, as they will eventually be phased out.

I found myself having to implement additional CSS rules for the following:

:host ::ng-deep .custom-tree {
  border: 1px solid #adabab;
  border-radius: 0px 5px 5px 0px;
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38);
  color: #eaeaea;
  padding: 0em 0em;
  padding-right: 5px;
  width: 22em; /* This sets the width and triggers the horizontal scrollbar when a p-tree node expands beyond this point. */
  line-height: 15px !important;
  max-height: 75vh;
  overflow: overlay; /* Changed from auto to overlay */
  box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19);

/* This ensures the visibility of the horizontal scrollbar above the inner divs */
:host ::ng-deep .custom-tree .tree-container {
  overflow: initial;

/* Adding margin between horizontal overflow and the vertical scrollbar to prevent content behind the scrollbar */
:host ::ng-deep .custom-tree .tree-container .treenode .node-content .node-label {
  margin-right: 10px;

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