The fix for the unresponsive fixed container in Angular 2 Material

I've encountered an issue with CSS and Angular 2 material. Any element with a fixed position doesn't behave as expected inside an md-sidenav-container. However, when it is placed outside the container, it works perfectly. I have created a Plunker demo to illustrate this problem:

Simply copy and paste the md-toolbar into the container to see the difference.

Check out the live demo here

It seems that if any HTML element (including Angular Material components) is within the container, the fixed positioning fails and the element either stays in place or disappears (acting like position: relative). Am I overlooking something or could this be a bug?

Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Answer №1

Not sure if it's a bug or just expected behavior, but I ran into the same issue a few months back. The workaround that worked for me was setting the css property height: 100% on the following elements (assuming your sidenav is at the root level): html, body, main.

Make sure to place every fixed element inside the <md-sidenav-container> tag, and that should do the trick.

I would have loved to make changes in your plunker, but systemJS seems to be generating a strange DOM with multiple instances of <html>, <body>, etc. You'll need to apply height: 100% on all parent tags of your <md-sidenav-container>.


Don't forget to also give <md-sidenav-container> the style of height: 100%. To tackle the double scrollbar issue, try using overflow-y: auto on <md-sidenav-container>.

However, this might not completely resolve the problem because of the unique nature of systemJS's DOM. If you can work without it, I would recommend trying a project without systemJS. Unfortunately, if you must use it, I may not be able to offer further assistance.

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