The feature in Chrome that automatically reloads generated CSS is failing to refresh the page after SASS recompiles the CSS

I'm attempting to set up Chrome's DevTools to automatically reload a page when I save changes to a watched SCSS file that compiles and updates the CSS file.

Although I have checked the Auto-reload generated CSS option, it is unfortunately not functioning as expected.

Each time I make revisions to the SCSS file and save it, the page does not refresh. I have included my working directory in the workspace and linked the files (both the SCSS and generated CSS) to their respective versions on my local drive. However, this does not resolve the issue.

The SASS source maps appear to be operating correctly since the scss files are visible in the DevTools inspector:

I am using Chrome version 31:

Could I be overlooking something that I am unaware of? What additional steps are necessary to achieve the desired outcome?

Answer №1

In this scenario, I utilized Drupal which generates a CSS link with the format 'style.css?abc'. The issue lies in the suffix '?abc'. To address this, you must initiate file mapping starting from the LOCAL (right-click on local) 'style.css' to the WEB 'style.css?abc' (displayed in the list), instead of vice versa. If done correctly, WEB links will no longer be visible in the resources tab.

Answer №2

One effective solution to address the mapping issue of .css?201203241721 / .js?201203241721-files discussed by szdv in relation to drupal, is by implementing this workaround. I encountered a similar problem with typo3 and successfully resolved it using the following approach:

    /* remove in production *************************************************/
    //filter typo3 temp file src/href with ?date ending for chrome workspaces
    $('script, link').each(function(){
        rpString = /\?[0-9]*/;
            this.src = this.src.replace(rpString,'');
            this.href = this.href.replace(rpString,'');
    /* ******************** *************************************************/

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