Changing Parameters in Absolutely Positioned Sections

I have successfully created a fixed header with a higher z-index than the body content, allowing the content to slide underneath it. To position the content div directly below the fixed header, I applied a position:relative and specified a top value.

Initially, everything seemed to be working fine until I added elements to the content div. When I added an h1 and attempted to give it some margin-top, the entire page (including the header) shifted downward by the margin-top value.

I've encountered similar issues in the past (collapsing divs, right?) and usually resolved them with a set width, float, or display block. However, none of these solutions are fixing the problem this time around.

Can someone please point out what I might be overlooking?

                  padding: 0;
                  margin: 0;
              /* CSS code for various elements */
        <title>Page Title</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
            <div id="header-fixedWidth"
                <img src="logo.png" alt="logo" id="logo" />
                            <img src="iconMenu/edit.png" alt="">
                            <img src="iconMenu/touchUps.png" alt="">
                            <p>Touch Up</p>
                            <img src="iconMenu/design.png" alt="">
                            <img src="iconMenu/collage.png" alt="">
                <div id="user-help">
                    <img src="signIn.png" alt="sign-in" id="signIn" />
        <div id="main-content">
            <div id="main-content-fixedWidth">
                <div id="test">
                    <p class="headers">Here is a header for you to look at</p>
                <div id="image-deck"></div>

Answer №1

To adjust for the movement of your inner h1 element, you should subtract its margin from the top value of the containing box. For example, if the box's top value is 50px and the h1's margin-top is 100px, you would need to set the box's top value to -50px in order to offset the margin.

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