The expected behavior of first-child is not impacting the initial element as anticipated

What is the reason behind the rule not impacting the first div containing the "update 1" text?

.update div {
    border-top:1px dashed {color:background title};
    padding: 5px;
    color:{color:links nav};

.update div:first-child{

.update div:hover{
    color:{color:links nav hover};

.update div:hover > .symbol{
    color:{color:links nav};
<div class="nav update">
    <a><div><div class="symbol">×</div> update 1</div></a>
    <a><div><div class="symbol">×</div> update 2</div></a>
    <a><div><div class="symbol">×</div> update 3</div></a>
    <a><div><div class="symbol">×</div> update 4</div></a>

Answer №1

Within the code, there are no divs that serve as the first child of the .update div. To achieve this, you could implement something similar to the following:

.update a:first-child > div {

While HTML5 allows block elements like divs within inline elements, it may be more advisable to use spans instead.

To further illustrate the concept of the "first child," each a element in your code is a child of the .update div. The divs contained within those a elements are not considered children of the .update div; rather, they are children of the a elements themselves. It should be noted that each a element only contains one child div, and each of those child divs has another nested child div. Therefore, for an element to be classified as a child, it must be directly enclosed within the parent element—essentially one level below.

Answer №2


Upon review, several errors have been identified:

The color attribute should only contain a valid color name, 6 or 3-digit hexadecimal code, RGB/RGBa, or HSL/HSLa value. The usage of {color:links nav} seems unconventional and unclear. Is this syntax functional?

It has been pointed out by @torazaburo and @Ralph.M that your div classes are considered both first-child and first-of-type elements within an a tag, which means your .update class is not the immediate parent of any divs. To address this, you must add more specificity by traversing through each level in the hierarchy.

  1. div.update.nav
  2. a
  3. div

Proposed solution:

.update a:first-child div:first-of-type

Note: In this scenario, using either first-child or first-of-type achieves the same result. However, when combined with nth-child, the counting mechanism differs between n-th and nth-type-of.

The :first-of-type selector in CSS targets the initial instance of an element within its container.

.update div {
  width: 100%;
  height: 25%;
  border-top: 2px dashed red;  /* color defined */
  padding: 5px;
  background-color: rgb(0,0,0);  /* RGB format */
  cursor: pointer;
  color: rgba(250,250,250,.7);  /* RGBa format */
.update a:first-of-type div:first-of-type {
  border: none;
.update div:hover {
  color: hsl(240, 60%, 50%);  /* HSL format */
.update div:hover > .symbol {
  color: hsla(324, 100%, 50%, .8);  /* HSLa format */
<div class="nav update">
      <div class="symbol">×</div>update 1
      <div class="symbol">×</div>update 2
      <div class="symbol">×</div>update 3
      <div class="symbol">×</div>update 4

Refer to the GUIDE for more information.

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