Make sure to pause and wait for a click before diverting your

Having an issue with a search dropdown that displays suggestions when the search input is focused. The problem arises when the dropdown closes as soon as the input loses focus, which is the desired functionality. However, clicking on any suggestion causes the box to close before registering the click for that specific suggestion.

Here's my current code:

<div id="demo-2">
   placeholder="Search By Title, Author"
 <div class="autocomplete">
   <mdb-card *ngFor="let book of books" (click)="logger(">
     <!--some code-->

And here's the CSS snippet:

#demo-2 input[type="search"]:focus {
  width: 275px;
  color: #000;
  background-color: #fff;
  cursor: auto;

  ~ .autocomplete {
    visibility: visible;

.autocomplete {
  height: 350px;
  width: 275px;
  position: absolute;
  visibility: hidden;
  overflow: auto;

Lastly, a part of the TypeScript code:

  logger(id) {

I've been struggling with this for over a day now. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Define a new variable called showContent in your TypeScript file:

showContent = false;

displayMessage(id) {
  showContent = false;

hideContent() {
  showContent = false;

inputSelected() {
  showContent = true;

Update your HTML code accordingly:

<div id="example-22">
   placeholder="Enter text here" (focusout)="hideContent()"
 <div class="popup" [ngStyle]="{'visibility':showContent ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}">
   <custom-element *ngFor="let item of items" (click)="displayMessage(">
     <!--content goes here-->

Do not forget to eliminate the visibility property from your CSS stylesheet.

Answer №2

Instead of using ~.autocomplete on the div element, consider applying it to mdb-card in order to affect its sibling elements with the specified properties.

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