The enchanting world of CSS background scrolling animations

I am currently developing a website where I have split the hero/header into two sections - one on the left with information and the other on the right with a graphic. I wanted to add a simple parallax effect to the image on the right side, so I used background-attachment: fixed;.

However, I now need to change the background-attachment property once the bottom of the graphic reaches the next section, so the image will scroll up along with the rest of the content from that point onwards.

You can view a Fiddle that demonstrates what I'm trying to achieve here:

Is there a way to make this work as intended so that the right side (image) behaves correctly? Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

To make it happen, adjust the height value of the right side to be lower than the left side.

Answer №2

Encountering an error with the script led me to make some changes.

var abouttop = document.getElementById("about").getBoundingClientRect().height;

Instead of using background-attachment, I opted for transforms. It's worth noting that you need to add the id="about" to your text-container. Since I don't use JQuery, here is a piece of functional javascript code (please excuse the untidy format):

var pos = 0;

var imageControl = function(e) {
  var scrollposition = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
  var abouttop = document.getElementById("about").getBoundingClientRect().height;
  var scrollBottom = jQuery(window).scrollTop() + jQuery(window).height();
  var image_height = document.getElementById("image").getBoundingClientRect().height;

  if (scrollBottom < abouttop) {
    pos = scrollposition;
  } else if (scrollBottom > abouttop) {
    //pos = abouttop-image_height;
  document.getElementById("image").style.transform = "translateY(" + pos + "px)";


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