The drop-shadow filter is not functioning properly on the dropdown menu in Safari --> image displayed when the "products" Nav item is hovered, showing a dropdown menu --> image of the "products" Nav item after hovering is removed (shadow remains even when the dropdown menu is gone)

A style attribute of -webkit-filter is written for the dropdown menu (using bootstrap 5). Here is how the dropdown menu changes in style: --> closed state --> display set to block state

Tried Approaches:

  1. removed -webkit-filters and -webkit-appearance attributes when the dropdown display is hidden, and applied them only when the display is set to block. Also attempted with filters and background attributes.

This issue is specific to Safari browser and does not occur in others. Seeking assistance as this is my first encounter with a cross-browser problem.

Answer №1

The issue was resolved by incorporating this code into the dropdown-menu style.

-webkit-box-shadow: 3px -2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

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