Is it possible to dynamically render css using Express.js?

I have a need to dynamically generate CSS with each request.

For example, in my Express.js application, I've set up a route like this:


When a matching request is received, I want to retrieve the Client from the repository and extract their text color. Then, I aim to inject this color into the CSS response.

Are there any templating engines capable of rendering a text file (like style.less) that can be parsed with less/stylus?

Any suggestions or alternate approaches would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Gordon

Answer №1

If you haven't realized yet, there is a way to use define(name, function) and define(name, variable) in Stylus in order to integrate dynamic content into your CSS. Check out this resource for more information.

If you are using Express and run the command

./node_modules/express/bin/express -t jade -c stylus
to set up a basic site, it will handle the templating engines for you--Stylus manages the CSS while Jade (or your preferred view engine) takes care of the rest. The choice of view engine shouldn't impact how data is interpolated in style tags; can you clarify your concerns about this?

If you find yourself embedding style tags directly into HTML, consider moving them to a separate template file for better organization and allowing Stylus to manage them independently.

To manually configure this setup, add something like the following inside app.configure():

  app.use stylus.middleware({
    force: true
    src: "#{__dirname}/views"
    dest: "#{__dirname}/public/css"
    compress: true

This thread on Stack Overflow might offer an alternative approach based on your specific requirements.

I hope these suggestions spark some ideas or possibly even provide a complete solution for you :)

Answer №2

To include CSS, simply append it to the end of your webpage and the browser will automatically detect and apply it to style the page accordingly.

Learn more about including CSS using jQuery here

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