The default position for notifications from ngx-toaster is incorrect on the screen

Encountering an issue - the notification seems to be displaying by default at the top, possibly due to CSS properties affecting it?

When I set the position in the module import like so:

imports: [
   positionClass: 'toastr-bottom-right'

However, after this change, the notification appears in the top-left corner without any message. Despite providing a message for when a user logs in incorrectly, only a blank red (error) toastr notification is displayed as shown in the screenshot.

Link to my AppModule:

Below is my component code:

export class NavComponent  {

  model: any = {};
  loggedIn: boolean;

    private accountService: AccountService, 
    private router: Router,
    private toastr: ToastrService
    ) { }
      this.accountService.login(this.model).subscribe(response => {
      }, errorResponse => {

Currently using Angular 10.

Answer №1

It may seem trivial, but the reason for the error was simply a typo in my configuration code:

positionClass: "toastr-bottom-right"

I had mistakenly written "toast-bottom-right" instead of "toastr-bottom-right"

positionClass: "toastr-bottom-right"

Answer №2

Make sure to double check the spelling of "bottom" in this section.

    timeOut: 10000,
    positionClass: 'toast-bottom-right',

You have the option to disregard the timeOut parameter here.

Answer №3

If you're looking for an alternative, why not explore a different provider and create a custom toast notification snippet directly on their platform? Try it out in this interactive playground:

Designed for Angular 10+

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