Can Antd's Typography.Paragraph be used as a multi-row Menu title?

I am having trouble getting multiple rows to work inside the Antd Submenu. When I select only one row, it works fine. However, when I try to select multiple rows, the ellipsis is not shown at all and the text remains in one row.

            <Typography.Paragraph ellipsis={{ rows: 2, tooltip: { title: 'Long title', placement: 'right' } }}>
              {'Long title'}

Answer №1

Achieving this is definitely feasible. All you have to do is utilize the style and lineBreak css properties:

    rows: 2,
    tooltip: {
      title: "Long title",
      placement: "right"
    width: 100,
    lineBreak: "auto"
  A lengthy title that will be split into multiple rows due to its length

Answer №2

After implementing the following css code, the design appears exactly as planned

.ellipsisWrapper {
    &.@{typography-prefix-cls} {
      margin-bottom: 0; // Eliminate default margins
    white-space: initial;
    line-height: 1.2;

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