What is the method for displaying the value of a textarea?

I am relatively new to the world of coding, but I have already delved into HTML, CSS, and basic DOM scripting.

My goal is simple - I want to create a comment box where people can leave messages like in a guestbook. However, when I input text and click on 'comment', nothing seems to happen. How can I enable users to type a message and see it displayed below? Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated!

If anyone has encountered this problem before and knows how to solve it, please share your insights.

function fn1() {
  var str = document.getElementById("text1").value;
  alert("Thank you!");
* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;

body {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  height: 100vh;
  background-color: white;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  background-image: url(guest.jpg);
  background-size: 450px;

.container {
  width: 600px;
  border: 2px solid black;
  padding: 15px 10px;

.container h2 {
  text-align: center;
  margin-bottom: 15px;

textarea {
  height: 25px;
  width: 100%;
  border: none;
  border-bottom: 2px solid gray;
  background-color: transparent;
  margin-bottom: 10px;
  resize: none;
  outline: none;
  transition: .5s

.btn button {
  padding: 10px 15px;
  border: none;
  outline: none;
  border-radius: 5px;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  font-weight: bold;
  cursor: pointer;
  color: white;
  background-color: orange;

button {
  color: gray;
  background-color: lightgray;
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>Visitor comment</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="visitor.css">

  <div class="container">
    <h2>Leave Us a Comment</h2>
      <textarea id="text1" placeholder="Add Your Comment"></textarea>
      <div class="btn">
        <button onclick="fn1()" id="btn1">Comment</button>
        <!-- <button>Cancel</button> -->
  <p id="result"></p>
  <script type="visitor.js"></script>


Answer №1

There are a couple of important steps you need to take in order to achieve the desired outcome. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask for clarification.

Firstly, it is crucial to prevent the form from submitting. This can be achieved by binding a function to the onsubmit event.

Secondly, you will need to add the value of the textbox to the result paragraph dynamically.

Any additional styling requirements should be manageable at your end. In my example, I am using a list but this is not mandatory.

function fn1() {
  let li = document.createElement("LI");
  let text = document.createTextNode(document.getElementById("text1").value);
  alert("Thank you!");


function submithandler(event) {
* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;

body {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  height: 100vh;
  background-color: white;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  /*background-image: url(guest.jpg);
    background-size: 450px;*/

.container {
  width: 600px;
  border: 2px solid black;
  padding: 15px 10px;

.container h2 {
  text-align: center;
  margin-bottom: 15px;

textarea {
  height: 25px;
  width: 100%;
  border: none;
  border-bottom: 2px solid gray;
  background-color: transparent;
  margin-bottom: 10px;
  resize: none;
  outline: none;
  transition: .5s

.btn button {
  padding: 10px 15px;
  border: none;
  outline: none;
  border-radius: 5px;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  font-weight: bold;
  cursor: pointer;
  color: white;
  background-color: orange;

button {
  color: gray;
  background-color: lightgray;
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>Visitor comment</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="visitor.css">

  <div class="container">
    <h2>Leave Us a Comment</h2>
    <form onsubmit="submithandler(event)">
      <textarea id="text1" placeholder="Add Your Comment"></textarea>
      <div class="btn">
        <button onclick="fn1()" id="btn1">Comment</button>
        <!-- <button>Cancel</button> -->
  <ul id="result"></ul>
  <script type="visitor.js"></script>


Answer №2

Here is an alternative JavaScript approach:

const form = document.forms[0];
const textarea = document.getElementById('text1');
const output = document.getElementById('output');

form.onsubmit = () => {
   output.innerHTML = '<li>' + textarea.value + '</li>';
   return false;

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