Hide/Show overflow causing a disruption in my perspective

I am puzzled as to why my paragraph is not starting on a new line despite the overflow property set on the previous element.

Take a look at my plunker, adjust the overflow property in line 11 to hidden and it will display correctly. When set to visible, it messes up the layout.

I understand that using a clearfix can resolve this problem, but I am curious about why overflow is affecting the appearance of my content;

ul {
  list-style-type: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  width: 100%;
  overflow: visible; /* Change this to visible/hidden*/

Answer №1

The issue arises from the fact that your ul element is set to float: left;, causing the text element to naturally align to its right side. By introducing the overflow: hidden; property, the space around the list is effectively cleared.

If you're interested in learning more about floating elements, I recommend checking out this informative article.

Answer №2

Allow me to explain how setting overflow:hidden can clear the UL element by acting as a shorter version of

. This property essentially clears the content inside but keeps everything contained within.

In cases where you have floating elements and the parent UL is not properly sized, adding overflow:hidden will ensure that the UL takes on its correct dimensions. This is because setting overflow:hidden acts like the has layout property


I hope this clarifies things for you!

Thank you

Answer №3

The reason behind this issue is the float left in anchor property. Simply take out the overflow property from the ul tag, and everything will work smoothly.

To fix this problem, add the following CSS properties:

ul{ font-size:0px;}
ul li{ vertical-align:top; display:inline-block;}
ul li a{ font-size:16px; float:none;}

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