What is the method for establishing an interval, removing it, and then reinstating the interval with the identical ID?

I'm wanting something along these lines:

Inter = setInterval(Function, 1000);
Inter = setInterval(Function, 1000);

I've tried something similar without success. It's hard to explain all the details in a tidy way. Can anyone confirm if this setup should be functioning as expected, or is there something essential I might be overlooking?

Edit : Let me give it another shot at explaining my issue. Essentially, I have an interval being set, and a function to clear that same interval. I want these to reset after each input, so the clearInterval needs to recognize the original ID of the interval in order to clear it properly. However, reusing the ID seems to cause trouble for some reason. Hopefully my ramblings somewhat make sense.

Answer №1

If you want to manage intervals in your code, creating a class specifically for this purpose can be quite helpful. Below is an example of a class that allows you to start and stop intervals.

Check out the Repl Example here

class IntervalManager {
  constructor(duration, callback) {
    this.duration = duration
    this.callback = callback
  get interval() { return this._interval }
  set interval(interval) { this._interval = interval }
  get duration() { return this._duration }
  set duration(duration) { this._duration = duration }
  get callback() { return this._callback }
  set callback(callback) { this._callback = callback }

  start() {
    this.interval = setInterval(this.callback, this.duration)
    return this

  stop() {
    return this

How to Use:

// Instantiate the IntervalManager class
let intervalManager = new IntervalManager(
  () => {
    console.log('Interval triggered')

// Start the interval

// Stop the interval after 5 seconds
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000)

Answer №2

It is not possible to manually set the interval id as it is a unique, non-zero value that is automatically generated to identify the timer created by setInterval().

If you are determined to do so, one workaround could be to store all the generated ids in an array and pass this array as a parameter to the function responsible for clearing the intervals. Then, you can remove individual ids from the array as you clear out the corresponding intervals.

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