The CSS "ul" selector targets unordered lists in HTML

How can I target the ul elements highlighted below in my HTML markup without using a class or id for reference?

Here is the relevant portion of my HTML code:

<div id="mainmenu">
  <ul class="menu">
    <li class="item-472">
        <a href="#">Accueil</a>
    <li class="item-475 current active deeper parent">
      <a href="#" class="drop">Produits</a>  
        **<ul> <!--Here is the first ul I'm tryin to style --> **  
            <li class="item-519 deeper parent" >
            <a href="#">Fenêtres</a>
           ** <ul> <!-- the second ul to style -->**
                <li class="item-521 deeper parent">
                    <a href="#">PVC</a>
                    <ul >
                        <li class="item-522"><a href="#">Arcade</a></li>

Answer №1

There are various methods to customize these unordered lists based on your selector specificity preferences. Below is a detailed list I have compiled.

Techniques to select the initial ul:

  • ul
  • li ul
  • ul li ul
  • ul .item-475 ul
  • ul .current ul
  • ul .active ul
  • ul .deeper ul
  • ul .parent ul

Methods to choose the second ul:

  • ul ul
  • li ul ul
  • ul li ul ul
  • ul .item-475 ul ul
  • ul .current ul ul
  • ul .active ul ul
  • ul .deeper ul ul
  • ul .parent ul ul

IMPORTANT: Ensure that the selector for the second ul is at least as specific, if not more specific, than the one for the first ul. Otherwise, the style intended for the first ul may impact the second ul.

For instance, this approach would be effective:

li ul {
    /* styles here */

ul .current ul ul {
    /* styles here */

However, this method would NOT achieve the desired result:

ul .current ul {
    /* styles here */

ul ul {
    /* styles here */

Answer №2

the initial item:

.active ul li

the subsequent item:

.active ul ul li

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