The content will be visible when the masonry element is in the active state

I have been working on creating a unique image gallery effect using Masonry layout where the images start at 0.2 opacity and change to full opacity of 1 when hovered over. Additionally, I want each image to fade to 0.7 opacity with text "Petra, Jordan" appearing when it is activated (:active state).

Although everything is functioning as intended, I am struggling with implementing the text display part. Can anyone provide insights on how I can achieve this using CSS or JavaScript? Your help is much appreciated.

<article class="bottomcontent"> 
    <section id="photos"></section>

$(document).ready(function() {
    '<img src="/visuals/visuals1.jpg" alt="Petra, Jordan"/>',
    '<img src="/visuals/visuals2.jpg" alt="img02"/>',
    // Insert remaining image sources here...


#photos img {
width: 100% !important;
height: auto !important;
opacity: 0.2;
filter: alpha(opacity=20);

#photos img:hover {
opacity: 1.0;
filter: alpha(opacity=100);

#photos img:active {
opacity: .5;

Answer №1

Check out this code snippet on jsfiddle

If you want to achieve this effect, you can utilize the :after and data- attributes. However, since images do not support the use of :after or :before, you can wrap the image with a div element. Here's an example code snippet:

<div data-text="Display">
    <img id="text" style="width:100px;height:100px"/>


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