The clash between React Inline styles and Client CSS can lead to conflicts in styling

Our application needs to be loaded into the client's page, which is built using React. We are implementing React Inline Styles by defining styles as objects. However, we have encountered an issue where any CSS specified by the client using tag attributes overrides the properties that were not defined inline.

Below is the code snippet for the navbar with React inline styles:

var style = {
navigation: {
    minWidth: '50px ',
    position: 'relative ',
    marginBottom: '20px ',
    border: '1px solid transparent '
render function() {
 return(<nav style={style.navigation}> ...... </nav>);

The client is using the style tag attribute to define the navbar on their side:


In this scenario, the nav attribute defined by the client is merging with our inline styling, causing complications.

Please suggest alternative solutions. Is utilizing a Reset class the only viable option in this case?

Answer №1

To address the issue of CSS styles in your component being affected by client's CSS, one approach could involve resetting these specific styles. One possible method to achieve this is by utilizing the CSS all property.

The CSS all shorthand property resets all properties (excluding unicode-bidi and direction) back to their initial or inherited values.

An important limitation to consider with this solution is that the all property is not compatible with Internet Explorer or Edge browsers.

var style = {
  navigation: {
    all: 'initial',
    minWidth: '50px ',
    position: 'relative ',
    marginBottom: '20px ',
    border: '1px solid transparent '

render function() {
  return(<nav style={style.navigation}> ...... </nav>);

Here's a demonstration showing the impact of using the CSS all: initial property within the <Nav /> component compared to without it. Keep in mind that this workaround does not apply to IE or Edge.

class Nav extends React.Component {
  render() {
    var style = {
      navigationWithAll: {
        all: 'initial',
        border: '1px solid red'
      navigation: {
        minWidth: '50px ',
        position: 'relative ',
        marginBottom: '20px ',
        border: '1px solid red'

    return (
        <nav style={style.navigation}>Navigation</nav>
        <nav style={style.navigationWithAll}>Navigation</nav>

  <Nav />,
nav {
  height: 100px;
  background-color: gray;
  font-family: "Comic Sans MS";
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="app"></div>

If ensuring compatibility with IE or Edge is necessary, you might have to selectively reset the CSS properties causing inheritance issues. This can be accomplished through a basic reset as shown below:

styles = {
  navigation: {
    height: 'initial'

For a more comprehensive solution applicable across various client configurations, importing a CSS component reset would be recommended.

reset = {
    margin: 'initial',
    padding: 'initial',
    height : 'auto',
    height: 'initial',
    width: 'auto',
    // include any other properties needing reset, or a complete list of CSS properties to reset to initial/auto

Integrate this reset into your component styles for robust and consistent handling of CSS adjustments.

import reset from 'reset'  

styles = {
  navigation: {
    border: 1px solid red,
    // add your custom styles here

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