How can external webpages be effectively integrated under a banner for a cohesive user experience?

Google Images serves as a prime example. Upon clicking on an image, a persistent frame appears at the top of the page, prompting users to easily navigate back to Google. Is there a specific term for this method and what would be the most effective approach to achieve this?

Here is my current progress:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <title>Framed content</title>
    <style type="text/css">
        #bar {
        iframe {
    <div id="bar"><!-- INSERT BAR CONTENT HERE --></div>
    <iframe src="{LOCATION OF THE HTML PAGE}"></iframe>

How can I modify the above code so that #bar has a fixed height of 100px instead of a relative height of 10%? How does this adjustment impact the overall code structure? This remains the focal point of my inquiry.

Thank you in advance. Patrick

Answer №1

In my opinion, the technique is still referred to as 'framing' even if it has evolved beyond the traditional frameset style that was popular in the late '90s and early 2000s. If you want to explore more examples, take a look at platforms like Facebook and Stumbleupon.

Answer №2

Following the lead of Google, you may consider removing your doctype tag. By making this single change to your markup, you can quickly achieve the desired outcome by setting the bar's height to 100px and the iFrame's height to 100%. This adjustment should provide the results you are looking for.

Answer №3

Some refer to it as a "topbar"...

However, in my opinion, I consider them quite bothersome unless they have a truly valuable function. I don't require constant prompts to return to your site. It would be just as effective to open the link in a new tab in that case.

Answer №4

During my research, I stumbled upon an alternative approach that completely avoids using iframes. While some may steer clear of framesets altogether, I’m curious to hear opinions on potential drawbacks beyond the obvious issue of "frames not supported."

<frameset rows="100,*" frameborder="no" framespacing="0">
  <frame name="h" src="top_source" scrolling="no" noresize >
  <frame name="t" src="main_source" scrolling="auto" noresize >

This method utilizes the wildcard character "*", which is not typically found in div height attributes.

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