Tips for customizing the CSS styling of the validation ng-class error

Seeking advice:
Is there a way to customize the CSS style of the 'error' validation error for ng-class in Bootstrap v3?

This is my current code:

ng-class="(form.datos.$invalid) && ( form.datos.$touched || submitted) ? 'error': '' "

The default red background for the error doesn't suit my preferences. I'd like to change it to a different color.

Answer №1

To customize the styling, consider replacing the existing CSS code or utilize Angular's ng-style directive. This approach would involve implementing the following code:

ng-style="($invalid) && ($touched || submitted) && {'background-color':'#00F'}"

Answer №2

Although not directly related to Angular, here's a useful tip.

To ensure proper styling, place your file import after bootstrap in your HTML code:

.error {
    background-color: transparent; /* or any other color */ 

Alternatively, you can use:

.error {
    background-color: transparent !important;

However, it is generally not recommended to use the "!important" declaration.

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