I have recently completed the construction of a carousel with swipe/touch functionality and control buttons for previous and next slides. However, I am facing an issue with the behavior of the carousel as it seems to be sliding by 2 or 3 instead of one at a time. Here is a snippet of the code I have been working on.
I am also encountering problems with making the carousel responsive.
function fCarousel() {
// var activeSlide = 0;
// $('.faculty-carousel').attr('data-slide', '0');
var viewPortSize = $(window).width(),
facultyPanel = $('.faculty-carousel .faculty-items li'),
profileCount = facultyPanel.length,
activeSlide = 0,
carousel = $('.faculty-carousel .faculty-items');
$('.faculty-carousel').attr('data-slide', '0');
//Set Panel Size based on viewport
if (viewPortSize <= 1920 ) {
var profilePanelSize = viewPortSize / 5
if (viewPortSize < 1024 ) {
var profilePanelSize = viewPortSize / 4
if (viewPortSize < 768 ) {
var profilePanelSize = viewPortSize / 3
if (viewPortSize < 480 ) {
var profilePanelSize = viewPortSize
carousel.outerWidth( profilePanelSize * profileCount );
carousel.css('transform', 'translateX(' + 0 + '% )');
$('.prev').on('click', function(e) {
var carouselWrapper = $(this).closest('.faculty-carousel'),
facultyProfilePanel = carouselWrapper.find('.faculty-items li'),
facultyProfileCount = facultyProfilePanel.length,
viewPortSize = $(window).width(),
carousel = carouselWrapper.find('.faculty-items'),
position = 0,
currentSlide = parseInt(carouselWrapper.attr('data-slide'));
// Check if data-slide attribute is greater than 0
if (currentSlide > 0) {
// Decrement current slide
// Assign CSS position to clicked slider
var transformPercentage = -1 * currentSlide / facultyProfileCount * 100;
carousel.css('transform', 'translateX(' + transformPercentage + '% )');
// Update data-slide attribute
carouselWrapper.attr('data-slide', currentSlide);
activeSlide = currentSlide;
// More code here
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).on('resize', function(){
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