The bolded typography in Google Font appears to be positioned lower than typically expected

When using the Vollkorn google font in my headings, I noticed a strange issue where the text gets pushed beyond the bottom boundary of the element only in Firefox and Chrome when using the default bold weight and normal font style. However, when switched to italic, it returns to its normal position. This problem does not occur when the font has a normal weight.

I created a simple HTML file to demonstrate this behavior, but strangely the issue only exists on my computer. When I sent the file to someone else, they did not encounter the same problem in those two browsers.

I attempted to replicate the issue on jsFiddle without success.


For simplicity, I added jQuery to the code on Pastebin.

Here is a screenshot showcasing the problem on my screen.

I also tried inspecting the styles on the google font website using Firebug, but everything appeared to be working correctly there.

Could I be missing certain styles that would resolve this inconsistency like on jsFiddle or the font website? It's puzzling why the issue doesn't arise on the recipient's computer after sending them the file. Could this be a potential drawback of using google fonts?

Answer №1

Perhaps the issue lies in the lineheight or padding settings. To investigate further, you can use the "inspect element" feature in Chrome or Safari (right-click) to see which styles are currently affecting the input form. Have you considered incorporating a reset css? You can find one at

Answer №2

Upon further investigation, I have come across two similar cases where individuals have encountered the same issue. At this point, it seems unlikely that the problem lies within the CSS code. It remains unclear whether the discrepancy is a result of Google's font itself or how Firefox and Chrome interpret the font.

For reference, here are the links to these instances:

To address the issue, I followed the solution provided in the first link by downloading the bold non-italic font from FontSquirrel and embedding it into my website.

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