Finding and removing a specific CSS pattern from a webpage that has been loaded

Encountered a troublesome page that appears blank in print preview, specifically the Online Return Center\Your Return Summary page. After much troubleshooting on a locally saved copy of the webpage, I pinpointed the issue to a problematic linked stylesheet causing everything to be hidden during print preview...

@media print {
    body *, header {
        visibility: hidden;

However, when attempting to locate and override this source code from the live page using developer tools, I encountered difficulties. Where can I find this structure in the developer tools to ensure the print preview displays correctly?

My Attempts So Far

In the Elements view, I tried searching for all instances of link rel="stylesheet" and manually following each href link to the CSS files to search for the keyword print. This method did lead me to the culprit, but even after removing the link tag and returning to the page to print, I still faced the same blank page. Could it possibly be a server-side issue?

Here is the link found in the head section:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="|014yivy0BxL.css_.css?AUIClients/PREXWebAppBuzzAssets-confirmationPage">

Is there anything I can do locally to eliminate this problematic CSS?

For reference, here is the preview I am referring to:

Answer №1

According to feedback on the author's response:

If you want to achieve a single remove-and-print, consider attempting to make Chrome utilize the screen styles rather than the default print styles by following the steps provided in the linked answer.

To do this using Chrome, open up developer tools, click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner, go to More tools --> Rendering

Then find the Emulate CSS media type dropdown menu and choose Screen. Initiate a print command, check the print preview to ensure the content displays correctly, then proceed with printing.

Answer №2

After some trial and error, I discovered a solution. By simply right-clicking on the link tag in the Elements view of the developer tools and selecting Delete element, the preview started working properly. However, this action ended up deleting the entire effects of the stylesheet. It made me wonder if there is a more efficient way to just remove the @media print portion without causing any further issues.

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