How to rename a class of an image tag using jQuery

I need to update the class name in my image tag

<img src="img/nex2.jpeg" class="name">

When hovering over with jquery, I want to add a new class to it. After hovering, the tag should appear as follows:

<img src="img/nex2.jpeg" class="name secondname">

Upon removal of hover, it should revert back to:

<img src="img/nex2.jpeg" class="name">

Answer №1

Here's the solution you've been searching for:

jQuery(function($) {
    $('').hover(function() {
    function() {

Alternatively, you can utilize CSS for even better results: {
   // Add your custom styles here

Answer №2

  function() {
    $( this ).toggleClass('highlight');
  }, function() {
    $( this ).toggleClass('highlight');
.highlight {
  border: 3px solid blue;
<script src=""></script>
<img src="" class="avatar">

Answer №3


Here is a JavaScript code snippet that allows you to apply styling dynamically without the need for jQuery:
This approach grants you flexibility in styling elements using JavaScript, and it is also more efficient than using jQuery.

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function addClass()
          document.getElementById("apple").className += " secondname";
function removeClass()
        //replaces all classes with initial class
          document.getElementById("apple").className = "name";

        window.onload = function()
            document.getElementById("apple").addEventListener( 'mouseover' , addClass );
            document.getElementById("apple").addEventListener( 'mouseout' , removeClass );
    <img src="img/nex2.jpeg" id="apple" class="name">

It's important to note that utilizing CSS remains the most efficient method:
//apply all styles from class name secondname

By following this technique, you can streamline your styling process by using just one class instead of two.
Feel free to explore different styling options according to your preference.

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