The Battle of Naming Styles in HTML and CSS: CamelCase versus Underscores

After reading numerous articles discussing the pros and cons of camelCase and Underscore naming conventions, I have always leaned towards camelCase due to its byte-saving nature.

However, upon discovering BEM, I must admit that I am now in a state of confusion. While BEM naming is undeniably more readable, the use of '_', '__', and long names may increase file size. Additionally, I have not come across any JavaScript plugins supporting BEM. So, which naming convention would be best suited for a well-designed webpage?

P.S. I apologize for any errors in my English writing. I welcome any opinions on this matter.

Answer №1

In my experience with CSS, I have never come across the use of camel case in professional projects.

Personally, when working on personal projects, I adhere to the BEM methodology. I typically use double underscores like .banner__image and .banner__image--large (if you need more information, refer to the BEM specifications).

At my workplace, our team follows a modified version of BEM which involves using only one underscore or hyphen for modifiers, such as .banner_image and .banner_image-large.

If not utilizing BEM, it is recommended to write classes with a hyphen (-). For instance, .banner-image and .banner-image-large. You can find examples by looking at Bootstrap's CSS structure with class names, or from various other websites.

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