Resize a div within another div using overflow scroll and centering techniques

Currently, I am working on implementing a small feature but am facing difficulties with the scroll functionality. My goal is to zoom in on a specific div by scaling it using CSS:

transform: scale(X,Y)

The issue I am encountering lies in determining the correct left and top scroll values within the parent div. I need assistance in calculating the new left and top positions each time the user clicks on the "More zoom" button. If necessary, I am open to utilizing the translate CSS property.

I am open to using jQuery for this task, although I believe it boils down to a math problem :)

One important detail: It is essential that the image expands from the center.

Image Preview:

You can find the code example here:

Fiddle example

Answer №1

It's important to also consider the transform-origin property when working with transformations:

// Grab element references
var foo = document.querySelector('#foo');
var bar = document.querySelector('#bar');

// Adjust bar within foo
// The third options argument is not required but can be customized, refer to the README for defaults

var zoom = 1;
var trans = 50;
var moreZoom = document.querySelector('#moreZoom');
moreZoom.onclick = function(e){
console.log(foo); = 'scale(' + (zoom + 0.1) + ',' + (zoom + 0.1) + ')';
     zoom = (zoom + 0.1); = (50 / zoom) +'px  ' +(50 / zoom )+'px';
#foo {
    background: #36D7B7;
    height: 200px;
    width: 400px;
    padding: 50px;
     overflow: auto;
#bar {
    background-image: url(';*,*');
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
<script src=""></script>
<button id="moreZoom">
More Zoom

<div id="foo">

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