The battle between nested flexbox heights and max-heights

Note: I am observing some unusual behavior on Chrome 72. FireFox 64 seems to be working fine!

I am experiencing an issue with a nested flexbox.

In the code snippet below, I have added an artificial XL height to .root.container in order to achieve the desired outcome when there are multiple items overflowing the available max-height.

However, in cases where there are only a few items, the .root.container should not extend to occupy all available height.

In simple terms, I would like the height of .root.container to be set as auto, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it.
When I remove the dummy height, the overflow occurs in .root.content instead of .sub.content.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance in understanding how the flexbox behaves in this specific scenario.

P.S. You can also access the fiddle here

html, body {
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;

div {
  padding: 10px;

.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

.content {
  flex: 1;
  max-height: 100%;
  overflow: auto;

.root.container {
  background-color: red;
  max-height: 100%;
  height: 999999px; /* i want height to be 'auto' */

.sub.container {
  background-color: purple;
  height: 100%;

.root.header {
  background-color: lightblue;

.sub.header {
  background-color: lightgreen;

.root.content {
  background-color: yellow;

.sub.content {
  background-color: orange;
<div class="root container">
  <div class="root header">header</div>
  <div class="root content">
    <div class="sub container">
      <div class="sub header">menu</div>
      <div class="sub content">
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li>
          <li>Item 4</li>
          <li>Item 5</li>
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li>
          <li>Item 4</li>
          <li>Item 5</li>
          <li>Item 5</li>

Answer №1

After experimenting with the code, it became evident that setting a large height works well because max-height:100% in the child element requires a reference, as pointed out in this Stack Overflow post. Removing the height property causes the max-height to not adjust automatically. Interestingly, even if you remove the max-height, Firefox still produces the same output, indicating that the issue is not related to the max-height attribute.1

The ideal approach would be maintaining the cascading flex container and leveraging default stretch alignment for achieving the desired outcome:

html, body {
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;

div {
  padding: 10px;

.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

.content {
  flex: 1;
  max-height: 100%;
  overflow: auto;

.root.container {
  background-color: red;
  max-height: 100%;

.sub.container {
  background-color: purple;
  width:100%; /*added this*/

.root.header {
  background-color: lightblue;

.sub.header {
  background-color: lightgreen;

.root.content {
  background-color: yellow;
  display:flex; /*added this*/

.sub.content {
  background-color: orange;
<div class="root container">
  <div class="root header">header</div>
  <div class="root content">
    <div class="sub container">
      <div class="sub header">menu</div>
      <div class="sub content">
          // List items here

To further investigate the issue, let's narrow down the properties and focus only on those that trigger the unexpected behavior:

html, body {
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;

div {
  padding: 10px;

.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

.content {
  flex: 1;
  overflow: auto;

.root.container {
  background-color: red;
  max-height: 100%;

.sub.container {
  background-color: purple;
  height: 100%;

.root.header {
  background-color: lightblue;

.sub.header {
  background-color: lightgreen;

.root.content {
  background-color: yellow;

.sub.content {
  background-color: orange;
<div class="root container">
  <div class="root header">header</div>
  <div class="root content">
    <div class="sub container">
      <div class="sub header">menu</div>
      <div class="sub content">
          // List items here

The issue primarily arises from using height:100% within the inner .sub.container. According to specifications, this height should revert to auto due to the unset parent height. However, Firefox seems to interpret this height correctly—perhaps due to nested flex containers allowing evaluation of the parent height before content assessment or potentially a browser inconsistency.

In contrast, Chrome disregards such height definitions, opting for a more logical interpretation.

Answer №2

Perhaps using height: fit-content could be the solution you're seeking? It's unclear to me what exactly you're trying to achieve.

html, body {
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;

div {
  padding: 10px;

.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

.content {
  flex: 1;
  max-height: 100%;
  overflow: auto;

.root.container {
  background-color: red;
  max-height: 100%;
  height: fit-content;

.sub.container {
  background-color: purple;
  height: 100%;

.root.header {
  background-color: lightblue;

.sub.header {
  background-color: lightgreen;

.root.content {
  background-color: yellow;

.sub.content {
  background-color: orange;
<div class="root container">
  <div class="root header">header</div>
  <div class="root content">
    <div class="sub container">
      <div class="sub header">menu</div>
      <div class="sub content">
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li>
          <li>Item 4</li>
          <li>Item 5</li>
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li>
          <li>Item 4</li>
          <li>Item 5</li>
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li>
          <li>Item 4</li>
          <li>Item 5</li>
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li>
          <li>Item 4</li>
          <li>Item 5</li>
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li>
          <li>Item 4</li>
          <li>Item 5</li>
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li>
          <li>Item 4</li>
          <li>Item 5</li>
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li>
          <li>Item 4</li>
          <li>Item 5</li>
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li>
          <li>Item 4</li>
          <li>Item 5</li>
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li>
          <li>Item 4</li>
          <li>Item 5</li>

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