"TailwindCSS opts for the inclusion of prefexied utilities instead of relying

Trying to set the height of the div to h-2, with a class that includes height animation on medium devices.

The issue is that even though h-2 should be used on mobile, tailwindcss still uses h-20 instead.

Any thoughts on why this may be happening?

Here is the specific div causing the problem:

  <div className={`h-2 md:flex w-full text-white fixed bg-white mt-1 ${scrolling ? 'md:animationNav h-16' : 'md:animationBasisNav h-20'} dark:bg-gray-400`}></div>

Answer №1

The issue arises from the continued use of h-20 in tailwindcss on mobile devices instead of switching to h-2.

This problem occurs because you are applying the class h-20 (which sets the height to 20 across all screen sizes) rather than using md:h-20 (which sets the height to 20 only for screen size md and larger).

Furthermore, consider changing h-16 to md:h-16.

To address this issue, remember to add the md: prefix to classes that should apply solely to screen size md and above. This principle applies to other breakpoint prefixes as well. By default, all classes follow a mobile-first approach unless specified with a breakpoint prefix. For more information, refer to the Responsive Design section in the Tailwind CSS documentation.

Answer №2

My unique solution

Greetings, here's a suggestion for you to experiment with:

  <div className={`h-2 md:flex w-full text-white fixed bg-white mt-1 ${scrolling ? 'md:animationNav md:h-16' : 'md:animationBasisNav md:h-20'} dark:bg-gray-400`}></div>

You are now specifying that the height is 2 by default and 20 in medium devices.

Apply this approach across all your classes.

Step one: Specify the height for mobile devices

Step two: Include the classes for larger screens.

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