Tips on how to stop a webpage from scrolling and instead allow only the inner content to scroll

Check out my plunker for reference.

The goal I am aiming for is as follows:

  1. The webpage should stay fixed and not scroll in any direction
  2. If the content overflows its container, a scroll bar should appear strictly within that container

I have a main content area where horizontal scrolling works correctly when the content exceeds the width within the #content section.

However, vertical scrolling across the entire page occurs if the content is too long. My objective is to limit this vertical scroll bar to only the #content section.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Here is an example that actually works.

Step 1: Create the body element:

> overflow: hidden

Step 2: Define the scrollable area

> overflow: scroll

Give it a try:

Live Demo

Answer №2

After considering the options, it was determined that utilizing absolute positioning would be the most effective solution to prevent vertical scrolling on the page.

  header {
    height: 50px;
    width: 100%;

  #main {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50px;
    width: 100%;
    bottom: 0;

    #content {        
      overflow: auto;

The only drawback identified with this method is the need to specify a fixed height for the header and a set top position for the main section to align correctly. While this may limit the flexibility of the header's size at runtime, the benefit of both scroll bars being fully visible simultaneously outweighs this limitation.

To see the end result, you can view the plunker.

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