Tab button that can be easily printed

I'm currently facing a challenge with my HTML code on my website. I have 5 tabs already set up, but I want to add one that redirects users to a printable page that opens the print menu specific to their browser. It seems like there might be an issue in my HTML code. Here is a simplified version extracted from one of my existing tabs:

<div class="tab-item">
 <a class="tab-label text-center"><i class="icon-1-map"></i> Location</a>
 <div class="tab-content">
  <iframe src="<!--GOOGLE MAPS LINK-->" style="width:100%; height:400px; frameborder:0; border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here is what I am trying to implement:

<div class="tab-item">
 <a href="../../print/k420-torhoutsesteenweg306.html">
  <i class="icon-1-print"></i> Print this page

The issue is that sometimes the tab doesn't appear at all, and when I switch to the code below, it doesn't direct me to the linked page:

<div class="tab-item">
 <a class="tab-label text-center" href="../../print/k420-torhoutsesteenweg306.html">
  <i class="icon-1-print"></i> Print this page

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

If you'd like to view the full source code, please click here

Thank you!

Answer №1

Greetings from the StackOverflow community.

1) If you want to trigger the print dialogue as soon as the page loads, you can simply insert the following code at the end of your HTML's <body>:


2) Regarding your disappearing code, it would be helpful if you could provide more details or share a link to your CSS. Additionally, using <i> by itself seems odd. Remember, <i> is typically used for italicizing text.

The description you've given does not offer enough information to troubleshoot any potential issues.

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