Utilize a component's CSS styles by inheriting them and applying them to another component

I have created custom styles for an object as shown below:

    margin:85px auto 50px auto;
    border:#dfdfdf 1px solid;

Now, I would like to apply all the styles from sign_in to another component, except for the width property.

    width: 520px;

Is there a way to inherit the styles from form#sign_in without including the width property?

Answer №1

To enhance the design of your login forms, consider creating a default class to style them uniformly (or using the form tag to apply styles to all forms). Additionally, use specific ids or classes to define the width of each individual form.

    margin:85px auto 50px auto;
    border:#dfdfdf 1px solid;



<form class="default_sign_in big_form">...</form>

Answer №2

To keep things organized, consider creating a class that contains these common styles. Alternatively, you can avoid creating an additional class:

form#sign_in, form#another_sign_in{
    margin:85px auto 50px auto;
    border:#dfdfdf 1px solid;


    width: 520px;

If you're looking for a more efficient approach, I recommend exploring CSS preprocessors like SASS, where you can define a mixin:

@mixin formStyles($width){
    margin:85px auto 50px auto;
    border:#dfdfdf 1px solid;

You can then utilize the mixin like so:

    @include formStyles(455px);

    @include formStyles(520px);

Answer №3

It is not feasible to assign two different ids to the same element in this case.

Instead, you can assign the same class attribute to both form elements and then add an additional class to the second form.


<form class="sign_in">.....</form>
<form class="sign_in another_sign_in">....</form>


    margin:85px auto 50px auto;
    border:#dfdfdf 1px solid;

width: 520px;

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