Switching Text in ReactJS from V to X: A Tutorial

I have been utilizing a Switch component from react-switch in my project.

import Switch from 'react-switch';

render() {
    return <Switch

Despite extensive searching, I have not found a way to customize the default 'X' and 'V' texts to display as 'yes' and 'no' respectively.

While browsing, I came across a similar query on Stack Overflow regarding react-native-switch:

How to show text (YES/NO) inside a switch in react-native

Unfortunately, the solutions provided did not work for me.

I have also perused the documentation but could not find any mention of a parameter that allows customization of the switch text.



It seems like such a basic feature should be included. Any suggestions are welcome!

Answer №1

You may discover the solution you seek by visiting the demonstration page

Scroll to the Personalized symbols segment.

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