How to place a div with 100% width at the bottom of a float with a fixed width

Each day the same question seems to pop up, yet this particular issue has me stumped...

My goal is a simple one - I aim to design a fixed width layout with 3 columns, while ensuring that the header and footer stretch across 100% of the screen.

Everything appears to be in order except for the stubborn footer.

Check out an example here:

The crux of the matter lies in the fact that without a set height for the main body and side columns, the footer refuses to sit at the bottom as intended.

Any suggestions on how to rectify this annoyance?

Many thanks.

Answer №1

When using the absolute or fixed values for the CSS position property, it removes an element from its parent's context. This means that the size of the child element does not affect the width/height of the parent. The same effect is seen when using the float property: it becomes difficult to style elements effectively with position:absolute/fixed or float.

I have removed these properties and made revisions to your code. View the updated code on @Fiddle:

Here are some changes I made:

  • Removed unnecessary CSS properties:

    `.leftcol and .rightcol {floar:right/left}
  • Combined common styles for .leftcol, .main, .rightcol.
  • Updated HTML source by adding a
    <div class="wrapper-align">
    wrapper around each div in the source, and eliminating whitespace between these wrappers [1]

To position the .leftcol, .main, .rightcol elements next to each other, you can apply display:inline-block to each div. By default, these elements align at the bottom, so vertical-align:top should be used to place them at the top. Since this property works only with inline elements, you need an inline wrapper around a display-block element to achieve this layout without affecting float or display:absolute/fixed.

Removing whitespaces helps prevent gaps between elements. To see this visually, compare these pages: No whitespace vs White space.

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