Unable to show the table row color using Angular in Internet Explorer

I've customized a table by changing the row color based on a property value, and I'm using ng-repeat to display the rows. Here's my table:

<table class="tab table span6 tabhover" style="margin:0;" >
                <th>No. Parte</th>
                <th>Fecha estatus</th>
            <tbody ng-repeat="r in reqs">
               <tr ng-class="{selected: r.idrdm_detalles == idSelectedVote}"   ng-click='detallesHistory(r.idrdm_detalles)'    bgcolor="{{r.color}}"> 

The background color of each row is determined by the "color" property of the object.

For setting the row color, I've implemented this function:

this.color = function(codigo){
            if(codigo == 10){
                return '#00A6E8';
            else if(codigo == 60 || codigo == 80){
                return '#51BD53';
            else if(codigo == 90 || codigo == 99){
                return '#DE5F5F';
                return '#F5AB2C';

In my controller, I use Angular forEach to add the color property to each data array entry:

angular.forEach(data, function(value, key){
                    var c = value.codigo;
                    value.color = self.color(c);

                    $scope.idrdm = req; 
                $scope.reqs = data;

The row background colors are displayed correctly in browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. However, in Internet Explorer, the color appears as "#00c00" instead of the expected color. If anyone has insight on how to address this issue, please let me know. PS. I tried using ng-style like this:

<tr ng-style="'{background-color':{{r.color}}"> 

This method worked for other browsers but not in Internet Explorer.

Answer №1

Personally, I believe that color values should be kept in CSS rather than Javascript. A potential solution to this issue could be organizing your code in the following way. It's important to use more descriptive class names instead of generic ones for better clarity.


this.color = function(codigo){
            if(codigo == 10){
                return 'blue';
            else if(codigo == 60 || codigo == 80){
                return 'green';
            else if(codigo == 90 || codigo == 99){
                return 'red';
                return 'darkblue';


<tr ng-class="'{{r.color}}'"> 


.blue {
    background: #00A6E8;
.green {
    background: #51BD53;
.red {
    background: #DE5F5F;
.darkblue {
    background: #F5AB2C;

Answer №2

To implement the ng-style, use this format:

<tr ng-style="{'background-color': r.color}">

For a demonstration, check out this plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/KmIO5MVXlsBSitTXs19k?p=preview

If you prefer to utilize bgcolor, you can achieve it by using ng-attr-* in the following way:

<tr ng-attr-bgcolor="r.color">

I hope this explanation is beneficial.

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