SVG set to fill currentColor but does not dynamically change in high contrast mode

I'm currently working with in-line SVGs on my website. Here's an example:

svg {
  fill: currentColor;
<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" height="25px" viewBox="-13 0 120 30" width="74px">
  <path class="cls-1" d="M20,12.82H24.6v8.31h8.52V12.82h4.62v21H33.12V25.39H24.6v8.43H20Z" transform="translate(-19.98 -12.82)" />
  <path class="cls-1" d="M42.78,12.82H58.62v4.11H47.37v4.26h9.9V25.3h-9.9v4.41h11.4v4.11h-16Z" transform="translate(-19.98 -12.82)" />
  <path class="cls-1" d="M62.88,12.82H67.5v16.8H78v4.2H62.88Z" transform="translate(-19.98 -12.82)" />
  <path class="cls-1" d="M81.45,12.82H90c5,0,8,3,8,7.26v.06c0,4.86-3.78,7.38-8.49,7.38H86.07v6.3H81.45Zm8.28,10.59c2.31,0,3.66-1.38,3.66-3.18v-.06C93.39,18.1,92,17,89.64,17H86.07v6.42Z" transform="translate(-19.98 -12.82)" />

In theory, this should allow Windows' High Contrast mode to adjust the fill of the SVG. However, even though other elements on the page change color in high contrast mode, the SVG does not. It retains its initial color and does not update. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

Perhaps this solution may be of assistance: from what I gather, the given example should function properly in High Contrast Mode. The color specified for the parent element (body) dictates the fill of the SVG. Any changes to this color will consequently impact the appearance of the SVG.

body {
  color: DarkSlateBlue;
  background-color: MidnightBlue;

svg {
  fill: currentColor;
<p>Text example</p>
<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" height="25px" viewBox="-13 0 120 30" width="74px">
  <path class="cls-1" d="M20,12.82H24.6v8.31h8.52V12.82h4.62v21H33.12V25.39H24.6v8.43H20Z" transform="translate(-19.98 -12.82)" />
  <path class="cls-1" d="M42.78,12.82H58.62v4.11H47.37v4.26h9.9V25.3h-9.9v4.41h11.4v4.11h-16Z" transform="translate(-19.98 -12.82)" />
  <path class="cls-1" d="M62.88,12.82H67.5v16.8H78v4.2H62.88Z" transform="translate(-19.98 -12.82)" />
  <path class="cls-1" d="M81.45,12.82H90c5,0,8,3,8,7.26v.06c0,4.86-3.78,7.38-8.49,7.38H86.07v6.3H81.45Zm8.28,10.59c2.31,0,3.66-1.38,3.66-3.18v-.06C93.39,18.1,92,17,89.64,17H86.07v6.42Z" transform="translate(-19.98 -12.82)" />

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