My live website is plagued by an annoying horizontal scroll bar that doesn't appear in the local host version

I am struggling to remove the unwanted horizontal scroll bar on my live website, although it is not visible on my local host... <-- this is my website, built using Vite + ReactJs. I attempted to use overflow: hidden; and max-width: 100% on the body tag, but unfortunately, it was unsuccessful... NOTE: This site is a new project and still under development, hence not yet optimized for responsiveness.

All I want is to eliminate the undesired scroll bar from my live site.

Answer №1

Yes, I encountered a similar issue. The solution may vary depending on your screen resolution. Try opening your developer tools in a separate window and resizing your main window to see if a horizontal bar appears at a specific resolution.

I decided to investigate further by using Chrome Devtools and examining different elements on the page. It became apparent that the upper right section was extending off the screen to the right and appeared wider than other elements.

Upon closer inspection of the image named "hero.gif", I discovered that the width of the class "heroGif" was set to 55%:

By manually adjusting the width to 50%, I was able to eliminate the scrollbar. However, this adjustment caused the aspect ratio of the image to become distorted (similar to when it was set at 55%). Remember that setting the width and height % for an image is based on the container size. If you only adjust one parameter, the aspect ratio will remain intact and the image will scale correctly. I would recommend keeping the height % and removing the width %. Keep in mind that this change could impact other areas where the same class is used, so thorough testing is necessary.

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