Stylize the final element within a webpage using CSS styling techniques

In the code snippet below, my goal is to apply a specific style to the content of the final occurrence of "B".

<div class="A">
   I am <span class="B">foo</span>.
   I like <span class="B">bars</span>.
   Actually, call me <span class="B">FOOBAR</span>.

I've attempted

.B:last-of-type { color: red; }

and noticed all instances of class "B" are affected because it targets the last occurrence within its immediate parent's child elements or direct siblings.

Is there a method to exclusively select the final occurrence of "B" in the entire document?

Answer №2

Check out this JsFiddle Example

.Select the last child of a div with class A and apply red color to element with class B.

Answer №3

Discovered the solution! CSS3 retrieve last element

I attempted a similar approach before, but I wasn't satisfied with it. This seems to be the most effective method. I will leave this question open for some time in case someone has alternative suggestions.

Answer №4

.Selecting the last span element with a class of B within an element A and giving it a background color of #999.

Answer №5

.Selecting the last child elements of both div and B classes will result in a background color of orange.

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