Styling various versions of a <button> using Styled Components

In my app, I have a basic colored button that needs to change its color depending on the UI state:

const StyledButton = styled.button`
  & {
    border: 0;
    color: white;
    cursor: pointer;

  &:hover {
    background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.hoverColor};
  &.base {
    background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.baseColor};
  &.selected {
    background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.selectedColor};
  &&.danger:hover {
    background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.dangerColor};
  &.disabled {
    background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.disabledColor};

I used CSS Modules before to prevent classes from affecting other styles. The transition to styled components has been almost one-to-one.

.Button {
  border: 0;
  color: white;
  cursor: pointer;

.Button:hover {
  background-color: var(--hover-color);
.Button.base {
  background-color: var(--base-color);
.Button.selected {
  background-color: var(--selected-color);
.Button.Button.danger:hover {
  background-color: var(--danger-color);
.Button.disabled {
  background-color: var(--disabled-color);

While I appreciate the theming capabilities of Styled Components, I am not a fan of how my "local" classes are no longer contained within the component. It feels like a significant tradeoff to me.

Is there a better way to implement multiple variations of a component in this scenario?

Answer №1

Currently, I have come up with two solutions:

The first option is to manually calculate the final result without using any classes.

const StyledButton = styled.button`
  & {
    border: 0;
    color: white;
    cursor: pointer;

  ${(props) =>
    props.isBase &&
      &:hover {
        background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.baseColor};
  ${(props) =>
    props.selectedColor &&
      &:hover {
        background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.selectedColor};
  ${(props) =>
    props.isDisabled &&
      &:hover {
        background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.disabledColor};
  ${(props) =>
    props.isDanger &&
      & {
        background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.dangerColor};
      &:hover {
        background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.dangerColor};

Although it works, it does appear somewhat messy.

The second solution involves breaking down the StyledButton into multiple components:

const StyledButton = styled.button`
  & {
    border: 0;
    color: white;
    cursor: pointer;
    background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.baseColor};
const StyledSelectedButton = styled(StyledButton)`
  & {
    background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.selectedColor};

const StyledDisabledButton = styled(StyledButton)`
  & {
    background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.disabledColor};

const StyledDangerButton = styled(StyledButton)`
  & {
    background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.baseColorColor};
  &&:hover {
    background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.dangerColor};

This approach may be superior, but there is a concern about potential complexity escalation when dealing with more intricate states (such as a selected danger component) or additional pseudo-classes.

Furthermore, if the button in question had a state, such as a click counter, modifying the style could reset the state.

I am struggling to devise a workaround for this issue.

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